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P. 41


                              EL SECRETO DE LOS

                                       NUDOS INCAS

                                                      RIDDLES OF SCIENCE

                                THE SECRET OF THE INCAS KNOTS

                                                                                  Cordeles incas

           Un sistema contable basado en cordeles                  A string-based accounting system
           en el Imperio Inca.                                     in the Inca Empire.

                                                                   Writing is the representation of language through signs, from a
           La escritura es la representación del lenguaje mediante   primary system, constituted most of the time by notches carved
           signos,  desde  un  sistema  primario,  constituido  la  mayoría   into objects, much more elaborate modes of communication have
           de las veces por muescas talladas en objetos, se han logrado   been progressively achieved. However, each town did not follow
           progresivamente modos de comunicación mucho más         the same evolution...
           elaborados. Sin embargo, cada pueblo no siguió la misma
           evolución...                                            The Inca empire didn’t know phonographic writing, however, it
                                                                   invented a mnemonic procedure (a set of strategies that help to
           &M  JNQFSJP  JODB  OP  DPOPDJ²  MB  FTDSJUVSB  GPOPHS ƋDB   TJO   retain complex ideas in a simple and perfected way), with a kind
           embargo, inventó un procedimiento mnemotécnico (conjunto   of knotted cord, whose arrangement allowed an ideographic
           de  estrategias  que  ayudan  a retener ideas  complejas  de   reading. Thanks  to  some  simple  strings,  the  Incas  were  able  to
           manera sencilla y perfeccionada), con una especie de cordel   establish accurate accounting and, furthermore, preserve the
           DPO OVEPT  DVZB EJTQPTJDJ²O QFSNJU¬B VOB MFDUVSB JEFPHS ƋDB    memory of their past in chronicles.
           Gracias a unos simples cordeles, los incas pudieron establecer
           una contabilidad precisa y, además, conservar la memoria de   The “knotting of the shoelace”
           su pasado en crónicas.
                                                                     “The tying of the shoelace was known both by the ancients
                                                                     and by the moderns and at all times it made witches fearsome
            El «anudado de la agujeta»                               for new husbands. However, this curse was never as frequent
                                                                     as during the 16th century, which was, at the same time,
            “El  anudado de  la agujeta  era  conocido  tanto  por  los   time, the century of exorcisms, witchcraft, spells, magic and
            antiguos como por los modernos y en todas las épocas     sorcerers (...)
            hizo a las hechiceras temibles para los nuevos esposos.   Knotted the shoelace.  Let him take the dick of a recently
            4JO FNCBSHP  FTUF NBMFƋDJP OVODB GVF UBO GSFDVFOUF DPNP   killed wolf, let him go to the door of the one he wants to  irt
            durante el siglo XVI que fue, al mismo tiempo, el siglo de   with, and let him be called by his own name. As soon as he
            los exorcismos las brujerías, los embrujos, la magia y los   has answered, his penis will be tied with a white cord, and the
            hechiceros (...)
                                                                     husband will be as impotent as a castrate, in the act of Venus
 Queso helado  Anudado de la agujeta. Que se tome la verga de un lobo   (...)
            recién muerto, que se vaya a la puerta de aquél que se

                                                                                                Imágenes  Perú      Mundo    41
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